lunes, 1 de febrero de 2016

Industrial Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

It is a branch of engineering that deals with the optimization of use of human, technical, information and optimal handling and management of the processing systems of goods and services, evaluation of integrated systems used in fields of personnel, wealth, knowledge, information, equipment, energy, materials and processes, in order to obtain products or useful services to society and high regard for the environment. Mechanical Engineering uses the principles, methods of analysis, synthesis of engineering and design to specify, evaluate, predict and improve the results obtained from such systems. Industrial engineering knowledge and methods used in the mathematical, physical, social, public policy, management techniques etc. a broad and generic way to determine, design, specify, analyze, implement and continuously improve the systems.

History of industrial engineering:
It emerged during and after the industrial revolution in England and the United States. Before the industrial revolution, the goods produced in the known craftsmen home system. In those days the factory management was no problem. However, as new devices are developed and new energy sources are discovered, the practical necessity of organizing factories so they could take advantage of the innovations he had.
Perhaps the first of all pioneers was Richard Arkwright (1732-1792), who invented in England the mechanical spinning wheel. He also created and established what was probably the first management control system to regulate the production and work of the employees of the factories.

In 1774, roughly the same time as Arkwright installed control system, another British inventor, James Watt, along with his partner Matthew Boulton, were organizing a factory in Soho to produce steam. They instituted technical training for craftsmen far exceeded any training that existed at that time and did much to standardize the management of the factories.
Subsequently, his sons James Watt and Matthew Robinson Boulton Jr., established the first complete manufacturing machine factory in the world. Following the example of their parents, planned and built an integrated manufacturing facility that was far ahead of his time. Among other things, they instituted a cost-control system designed to reduce waste and improve productivity.

Industrial Engineer functions:

The aim of industrial engineers is to create more and better procedures for implementation. Directed engineering processes and systems that improve quality and productivity. They are working to eliminate overproduction, waiting, unnecessary movement, defective products; optimize transportation, inventory, operations, use of energy resources and the use of human ability. Therefore, many industrial engineers end up being promoted to management positions.

Many people tend to get confused with the term Industrial Engineering, believing that deals exclusively in production. However, the scope of professional Industrial Engineering optimally covers service industries since the Industrial Engineer is an optimizing process agent.

Ways in which an engineer can optimize processes

• Using practices more efficient and more profitable business.
• Improving customer product quality and service.
• Improving the ability to do more with less, or at least the same.
• Helping organizations to produce their product or service units faster.
• Making the market more secure market consumption, through the generation of better-designed products.
• Conduct a cost minimization through the implementation of new technologies.

What activities can develop an Industrial Engineer? Occupational Profile Industrial Engineer

• Designing systems inventory.
• Design and improve systems and working methods.
• Establish standards and production standards.
• Design and implement salary and incentive systems and quality control systems.
• Design and evaluate investment projects and economic comparison of alternatives.

• Design and manage production systems and materials handling systems.

• Conduct analysis and market research.
• Project location and / or distribution plant.
• To organize, direct and control the human factor within the company.
• Apply techniques for industrial diagnostics company.
• Participate in the development of industrial safety programs.
• Collaborate interdisciplinary in design and / or modification of products.

• Being a facilitator of Agile projects.


Like any other industrial engineering profession has its advantages and disadvantages.


Harvest satisfaction year after year.

Earns a good salary.

He works with people, make better, faster and safer things.

Helps the company save money and be competitive.

Choose where industry can develop:

-Pharmaceutical -Electronics


Work with organizational levels of the company.

In our daily life it is also offering its good advantages:

It helps us to coordinate our university, work and personal activities.

-Date, Start time, finish.

-Activities Unprecedented.

-Combination Activities.

In coordinating the cleaning and painting of the house:

That first and then clean it.

That part of the house first and paint as paint.

Facilities design and material handling:

-Position Of furniture, tables, shelves, etc.

Making foods:

-Sacar All preparations at once.

-Assigning Cooking tasks if more than one person.

Taking into account the use of resources.

Disadvantages: this not only has such great disadvantages that are now many young people are becoming interested in what she then indicated that fewer labor camps for new professionals to emerge. Maybe not right now because there is not many but a few years now and if there will be a lot of professionals in this area.


Basically it is to respect the assets of the company without violating and respect the rights of workers, without damaging company property. Professional ethics refers to reinforce and promote the principles that demand the race. These principles have a wider social sense, as the common goal of industrial engineers is to create a shared welfare. The code of ethics is based on getting results without violating the values ​​that are essential in the professional development of Industrial Engineering.


It's supple.

He adjusts to difficult situations.

-Reacciona Logically.


Recognizes the impact of their actions on client.

Recognizes the impact of their actions on: quality, production, and results.

Organization and planning:

-Set Priorities.

Develops contingency plans.

He makes a very tasking.

He communicates with other departments.

-Set Realistic goals and dates.

Leadership and Management:

-Acepta Inputs of others.

-Modela Conduct and set a good example.

He recognizes and appreciates the good work.

Resolves conflicts constructively.


-formula Their own plans and executes them.

Identifies and resolves problems.

-Look For help when needed.

-Anticipa Needs and communicates.

Interaction with others:

Listen and promotes open communication.

-d And receive constructive feedback.

It's honest and ethical conduct exhibits.

-Use Touch.


Speak clearly and articulate.

You know when not to speak.

Listen and respond with empathy.


He's aware of the capabilities of the competitor.

-Anticipa Customer needs.

-considers Anyone who uses their services as a client.

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